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2023 Lansdowne Charity Motorcycle Ride Ambassadors
Hello, my name is Billie MacDonald. My sister Lacey and I are the MacMoore Sisters, known for our fundraising at the Lansdowne Charity Motorcycle Ride. I was born with a Brachial Plexus injury in my right arm. It was a challenging time as no one could really explain it to my mum and dad why my arm looked different.
When I was one month old I was taken for a visit to Lansdowne Children’s Centre. My sister Lacey had been there the year before to make sure she was ready for school and she was excited for me to see it. We spent some time visiting with Heather and Ashley in the Physio and Occupational Therapy departments and they became my second family.
At Lansdowne I have taken part in the Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Recreation programs and so much more. It is my second home.
I have been diagnosed with both Brachial Plexus and Acquired Brain Injury with the help of Lansdowne. Throughout the years Lansdowne has helped me with getting everything I need to help me learn better in school, and helping my family get me a mobility device to help me explore the world even when I am having a bad day and couldn’t walk.
Every year we look forward to the Christmas Party to get us out and to get to see Santa. It is one of the best family days! Each year we looked forward to going to Lansdowne Children’s Centre events because we got to be with a lot of the people who I know.
Thank you for caring to read my letter. Please help support Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation by riding on July 8, or by making a donation to our team or any of the other riders and teams. We are so thankful for all the Lansdowne has done for our family, and other families.
We fundraise each year to help make sure other kids and families get a chance to get the help we have had.

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