The Lansdowne Resource Centre is a lending centre for families and children involved with Lansdowne Children’s Centre.
Parents can borrow, at no cost:
- Toys - therapeutic toys, games, puzzles
- Equipment to help with home programs, school or day care
- Resource information, a large selection of books, videos, reference files and pamphlets with a wide variety of topics from feeding and nutrition, to toilet training and behaviour strategies.
The Resource Centre is located in the front entrance of Lansdowne Children’s Centre in Brantford, at 39 Mount Pleasant Street, and is open:
Monday to Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm and Friday 8:00am to 3:30pm
Who is eligible to use the Parent Resource Centre?
Anyone using services offered through Lansdowne Children’s Centre is welcome and encouraged to use our Resource Centre.
What can I expect?
A borrower’s card is issued and enables you to sign out up to 4 items at a time. The usual length of time an item can be borrowed is 3 weeks. If you are not finished with the item you can call and sign it out again. Ask the receptionist for details.
Is there a fee?
No, all of our resource centre services are free. All you need to do is apply for a borrower’s card.
How do I apply for a Borrower’s Card?
Borrower Card applications are available at the Reception desk. Your card will be available the following week.
Download printable PDF handout/activity pages
Lansdowne Lending Library and Resource Centre
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Keywords and search terms commonly associated with this resource include:
Lending, Borrow, Resources, Toys, Equipment, Videos, Books, Games, Puzzles