Benefits and credits available for persons with disabilities and their caregivers
Disability tax credit (DTC)
Eligible individuals with a disability or their supporting family member may claim $8,662 per year as a non-refundable tax credit. Persons under 18 years of age at the end of the year may also be eligible for an additional amount of up to $5,053 per year. For more information about the DTC, go to
There are benefits, credits, and programs available to help you and those who support you. You and your spouse or common-law partner need to do your taxes by April 30 each year to get what you are eligible for, even if you had no income. Keep your receipts and other supporting documents in case the CRA asks for them.
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More people need to be aware of the disability tax credit. Many may not realize they qualify, so initiatives to spread the word are essential. Kudos to Tax Credit Consulting for their efforts in increasing awareness!