Expanding on information shared in the 2023-2024 annual report, Lansdowne Children's Centre is publishing more about what client siurvey responses shared about the organization's impact and service provider performance.

The annual Client Satisfaction Survey, reviewed by the Quality Management, Family Engagement and Management teams, is shared in the early part of each new year and asks for client input on a wide range of topics and performance measures.
As Family Engagement Coordinator, Renee Cochrane noted that when discussing the survey with members of the Family Advisory Council, the point was made that while families were being asked to provide their feedback, they were not aware of what the collective feedback was.
“And it got me thinking, how can we better share the feedback with families?” Cochrane said.
Families have requested more transparency, and a greater dialogue about client satisfaction.
Looking at the information gathered, Cochrane said that as a Lansdowne parent as well as a staff member, she wasn’t surprised by what the survey showed – items like wait times, the need for flexibility in schedules and additional support workers were all cited. Many of these needs are universal; Cochrane noted that centres across the province are faced with similar challenges.

The survey results also suggested that Lansdowne is on the right track in its approach, Cochrane said.
However, it’s important to look at the data as a whole. An important part of the overall review is that while 2,559 survey invitations were sent out, only 153 responses were received, which is about 6 per cent.
While the response rate was low for the 2024 survey, Cochrane is optimistic that it will improve going forward with improved access to the results, which “reinforces [to families] that their voice has a place; maybe they will consider filling it out next time.”
The Family Advisory Council members were surprised by the limited feedback and are working towards encouraging families to complete the upcoming survey.
We want to hear your voice. Please consider sharing your feedback in March 2025.
Click here for more information about Family Engagement and the Family Advisory Council