Every October, Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario raise awareness about the important role that individuals and communities play in supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families through the provincial Dress Purple Day campaign. This year, Dress Purple Day will take place on Friday, October 27, 2023.

We all have a role to play in keeping children and youth safe and ask you to speak up for every child and youth’s right to safety and well-being in all areas of their lives. Not just physical safety and well-being – children and youth have the right to have their unique identity, which includes culture, race, sexual orientation, and gender identity, protected, and supported.
If you have a concern for the safety or well-being of a child or youth or know a family in need of support, please call Child and Family Services of Grand Erie at 1-888-753-8681.

• Dress in Purple on Friday, October 27 to show children, youth, and families that you are HERE TO HELP!
• Post a picture on social media wearing purple on October 27, and use the hashtag
• Create a video explaining why you will wear purple and how you help children, youth and
families facing challenges – and share your video on social media using the hashtag
• Join Child and Family Services of Grand Erie (CFSGE) in lighting up your buildings and scenic attractions in Purple just like the CN Tower & Niagara Falls, Penman’s Dam in Paris, Brantford City Hall, etc.
For more resources – including media kits & classroom resources - and to learn more about how you can support the campaign on October 27, visit Dress Purple Day – Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies (oacas.org).
Thanking you for your participation!
