Lansdowne Children’s Centre for child development is bidding a very fond farewell to Candace Kingyens, Senior Fund Development Officer with the Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation, as she has accepted a new position at another organization.

Candace will be missed at Lansdowne, having been a key member of the Foundation team since December 2019.
Shortly after starting at Lansdowne, she played a significant role in helping the organization pivot to virtual events starting in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person gatherings.
Candace has been a driving force in the creative development, management and promotion of the Charity Motorcycle Ride and Heroes Walk and Roll fundraising campaigns, which included organizing hundreds of volunteers, vendors, and fundraisers, and a lot of long days.
Besides these events, she has also been an active and enthusiastic supporter of third-party fundraising events, such as the local Tim Hortons Smile Cookie campaign.
Many people are familiar with Candace’s friendly smile and dedication to Lansdowne kids and their families because she’s often been the public-facing ambassador for Lansdowne, with multiple media appearances in print and on camera celebrating incredibly generous gifts and sponsorships to support infants, children and youth with additional needs.

Besides representing Lansdowne in general, Candace has also shared her own family’s story on the centre’s YouTube channel (@LansdowneChildrens), talking about her daughter Maddie (who has very much enjoyed being locally famous in her own right as a featured child ambassador for Lansdowne Foundation).
While Candace offered an open-door policy during her time at the Foundation, it was hard to catch her at her desk. She was tirelessly active in making sure the businesses, groups and individuals who chose to support Lansdowne kids would get personalized recognition for their contributions; this would often come in the form of phone calls and hand-written thank you cards.
Candace was also a dedicated advocate for support from non-government funded services, like Every Kid Counts and Family Engagement Services.
In June 2023, Candace achieved her Certified Fund Raising Executive designation, which is a distinction of knowledge and great achievement within her industry.
As Candace strikes out on this new path of professional development, the Lansdowne team wishes her all the best in her future endeavours and offers sincere thanks for all her contributions to advancing programs and support for Lansdowne kids.