Brantford, ON - On July 30, the Bishop family visited Lansdowne in Brantford to meet with Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation and share their story, the progress that their son/grandson Levi has made since connecting with Lansdowne, and to contribute a substantial donation in honour of their service experience with the Lansdowne physiotherapy (PT) team.
Levi was diagnosed with Joubert syndrome, a rare genetic condition characterized by abnormal brain development that includes the absence or underdevelopment of the cerebellar vermis (an area of the brain that controls balance and coordination) and a malformed brain stem. Symptoms can include: decreased muscle tone (hypotonia), Abnormal eye movements, Impaired intellectual development, Kidney and liver abnormalities, and Seizures.
The family shared that their greatest challenge has been the “unknown”. They describe medical direction as “best guesses” and are currently working with as many as five doctors following Levi’s case to learn more about Joubert syndrome.
Levi first connected with Lansdowne at the age of one. At the age of three Levi was non-verbal. After working with Lansdowne Speech services he is now, at age six, able to articulate his needs and feelings, supported by sign language and communication boards.
Today, strength development is one of Levi’s goals as he struggles with balance and ability to navigate daily needs, like climbing stairs.
Summer has been a happy season for Levi to build muscle, especially swimming at Grandma’s cottage, and he continues to make gains. He plans to continue swimming in Paris, at the recently opened Brave Waves Swim School. The swim program welcomes children with special needs.
The progress Levi has made with physiotherapy at Lansdowne, and the years of support the family has experienced, inspired Brenda Bishop to respond to the Foundation’s spring newsletter and open a conversation about making an impact.
“It’s been a pleasure to donate to the Lansdowne community. They do a lot. I’m familiar with other children and families who come here, and it’s just an honour to donate.”
To learn more about how you can contribute financial support to programs and services at Lansdowne Children's Centre, please connect with our Lansdowne Foundation.