click on the link above to download a printable PDF copy of the 2024-2027 Lansdowne Children’s Centre Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2024 - 2027
Accessible parking spaces are available at each of Lansdowne's sites in Brantford, Caledonia, Dunnville and Simcoe
Accessible washrooms are available in Lansdowne operated sites
An Accessibility Toolbar powered by Userway, is available on the Lansdowne website ( providing features that can enhance a user's experience, navigation and engagement with the website
Translations, through partnership with Google Translate, are available on the Lansdowne website allowing provides users with an opportunity to change the base English-language text to another language of their choosing
Since 2024, Closed Captions/Subtitles (english language), are being included in Lansdowne video resources shared to the website and social channels
The following multi-year accessibility plan is prepared in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
In preparing this accessibility plan Lansdowne considered the following:
The plan addresses a broad range of accessibility considerations, taking into account the full definition of disability under the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
The plan examines all aspects of the organization’s operations, including its bylaws, practices, facilities, programs and services.
Consideration of roles as service providers and as anemployer.
The plan identifies steps to be taken over time to remove identified barriers and prevent any new ones.
Integrating accessibility planning into business planning cycles to ensure a thoughtful, effective and efficient process and meaningful outcomes.
Lansdowne is accountable to communities and, as such, must make the accessibility plan available to the public.
The Accessibility Working Group
The Accessibility Working Group’s mandate is to ensure that Lansdowne Children's Centre meets its obligations under the AODA with respect to the development of a multi-year Accessibility Plan. This is achieved by members providing input on what the plan should include.                                               Â
Every Kid Counts Coordinator                             Resource Consultant
Family Engagement Coordinator                          Communicative Disorders Assistant
Systems Administrator                                          Occupational Therapist
Office Manager                                                    Resource Consultant
Autism Therapist                                                   Physiotherapist
Executive Assistant                                               Human Resources Director (Chair)
This 2024-2027 accessibility plan outlines the policies and plans that Lansdowne Children’s Centre will put in place to improve accessibility at our sites.
Statement of Commitment
Lansdowne Children’s Centre is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in inclusion and equitable opportunities. We are committed to meeting the needs of all people in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
 Lansdowne’s commitment to accessibility planning
Lansdowne Children's Centre is committed to:
The continual improvement of access to our facility, policies, programs, practices and services for all clients and their family members, staff, volunteers and members of the community;
The participation of people and family members with lived experiencein the development and review of accessibility plans;
Ensuring Lansdowne policies are consistent with the principles of accessibility; and
The establishment of an Accessibility Working Group at the Centre.
Past Achievements (see available PDF document)
Highlights of specific projects and programs completed during the 2019-2023 Plan to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and to meet requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
The Multi-Year Plan
The following projects and plans have been identified to be achieved between now and 2027 to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and to remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.
Customer Service
Lansdowne is committed to providing accessible customer service to all people. This means that we will provide goods and services to all people with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
The following initiatives are planned to continue in order to comply with the Customer Service Standard and specify the timeframe for each:
Information and Communications
Information and communications are accessible to people with disabilities.
Barrier | Objective | Means to Remove/Prevent | Timeframe |
Outdated language used in workplace materials can create barriers to service. | Language in workplace materials needs to be updated on an ongoing basis. | Review website, client materials and current employee forms to ensure language is inclusive. | 2024-2027 |
Lansdowne is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
Barrier | Objective | Means to Remove/Prevent | Timeframe |
Job postings can unintentionally discriminate against certain populations. | Accessibility and Beyond Differences Committee to review and make recommendations on postings. | Remove potential barriers in job postings to ensure all persons have equal opportunities. Job postings can be added to community notice boards to increase diversity of applications. | 2024 |
Lansdowne is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities.
Barrier | Objective | Means to Remove/Prevent | Timeframe |
Training can become outdated over time. | Ensure all employees have received current sensitivity training in accessibility and human rights legislation. | Prevent potential barriers by ensuring all employees receive training. | 2025 |
Architectural/Physical Space
Barrier | Objective | Means to Remove/Prevent | Timeframe |
People accessing our sites may be unaware of accessible parking or have difficulty accessing services from the parking lots. | Signs need to be installed advising people of accessible parking spaces and ramps to access buildings. During construction, alternative options need to be made available. | Remove barriers and difficulties to accessing services | 2024-2026 |
For More Information
For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact:
Sarah Consoli
Human Resources Director
p :519-753-3153 ext. 242
Website:          Â
Social media: @LansdowneChildrens (on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube)
Standard and accessible formats of this document are free by request.Please contact Sarah Consoli.