10 minutes today could create meaningful change tomorrow.
Family Engagement Services at Lansdowne Children's Centre kicked off the 2025 Client Satisfaction Survey on February 26, inviting all client families to participate in sharing their experiences receiving services and support from Lansdowne Children's Centre for child development.
The annual survey is made up of two parts, and provides metrics for the quality of service delivery and client experience.
The survey is being made available to all client families online, and paper copies are available on request from Lansdowne Reception or a Lansdowne Service Provider.
Lansdowne Executive Director, Rita-Marie Hadley, shared, "The Client Satisfaction Survey is offered to all Lansdowne client families by e-mail and through promotional efforts including posters, prints and social media awareness." She cotinued, saying
"By sharing your experience you help us to see Lansdowne services through your eyes and recognize new opportunities to do better."
A chance to win a $25 grocery gift card
This year there is added incentive for client families to participate in the client satisfaction survey. Lansdowne Family Engagement serrvices is hosting a draw each work day after the survey's release to award up to 10 grocery gift cards, each valued at $25.00 CAD, to lucky survey participants.
Draw winners will be contacted personally and announced on Lansdowne social media channels. All surveys remain anonymous, until the author chooses to identify themselves.
This year's survey was developed in partnership with the Family Advisory Council. The team worked to refine the language and organization of questions in the first part of the survey, and to continue to improve accessibility. In 2025, the client satisfaction survey has been connected to a Google Translate service to help clients whose primary language is other than english. The survey is also hosted on a platform with adaptive layouts for different size devices, and features an accessibility modifier to maximize legibility and descriptions.

A survey in two parts
The survey is composed of two parts.
1) The Client Satisfaction survey is a series of questions developed by Lansdowne team members in partnership with the Lansdowne Family Advisory Council (FAC). These questions aim to understand and evaluate your personal experience as a Lansdowne client family, recognize areas of strength and identify opportunities to improve your service and support experience.
2) The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC) survey is an industry standard evaluation used to assess careggivers' perceptions of the care they and their child(ren) receive from their centre for child development and rehabilitation treatment. It is a means to assess family-centred behaviours of health care providers. To learn more more MPOC, please click here
In 2024, the average time to complete this survey was less than 9 minutes.
If you prefer to complete your survey as a paper copy, please request a printed survey from Lansdowne Reception, or from your Lansdowne service provider. You can return your survey to the same person.
Please submit your response by no later than 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025.