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Kids Country Inn (KCI) is licensed by the Ministry Of Children, Community, and Social Services to provide out-of-home weekend respite. It is a fun-filled respite program located at Brantwood Abilities Centre in Brantford.
This picturesque location offers an environment that supports the special needs of the children/youth, including a heated therapy pool, Snoezelen mutli-sensory environment room, and accessible grounds to explore.
Lansdowne provides quality care in a home-like environment. Staffing consists of a complement of Nurses and well-trained Support Workers. Children and youth are well taken care of so that families can re-energize and rest.
Children/youth 0-18 years of age;
Children/youth who are:
Medically fragile, and/or
Technologically dependent (uses a medical device on a consistent basis to maintain the function of daily living) ie. Catheterization, enteral tube feeding, suctioning and oxygen; or
Physically disabled with multiple special needs, as defined by a physician
Reside in Brantford or Brant County in their family home.
Goals, Skills and Keywords
Once your child is deemed eligible they can expect to attend KCI approximately 4 weekends per year.
The respite weekend runs from Friday at 6 pm to Sunday at 3:30 pm.
Day respite is also an option for those not quite ready to sleep away from home.
A parent-directed Care Plan is created for each child.
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