Make tomorrow a better day #FORTHEKIDS.
Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation supports special needs programs and services at Lansdowne Children's Centres in Brantford, Simcoe, Caledonia and Dunnville.
Through your generous gifts we are able to help children and youth and their families with access to:
Specialty equipment
Support workers
Community-based programs
Centre-run programs
Recreation programs supported by Lansdowne Foundation include: Day Camps, After School Programs, Art Programs, Summer Camps and other activities that build life skills through recreation, socialization and play.
Charitable Registration #11881-6883-RR0001

To enhance and enrich the lives of the children and families that Lansdowne Children’s Centre serves by raising funds and goodwill throughout the community.
Our Vision:
The Foundation is a trusted funding partner of the Centre, and community giving is the margin of excellence in advancing the work of the Centre with children/youth with special needs and their families.
Our Values:
We cherish our donors and all that this entails.
We show compassion for our children, families, donors and each other in our interactions in house and in the community.
We endeavour to be open and accountable in our dealings with donors, colleagues, partners, staff, and clients.
We are unrelenting in the ethical pursuit of our goals and objectives.
A Culture of Philanthropy
We strive to help every donor, volunteer, client family and staff member understand that the power of philanthropy can be a driving force in the advancement of the LCC Mission.

The programs supported by community grants and fund-raised dollars assist children and youth with special needs to participate fully in the lives of their families and communities by promoting participation in the least restrictive environment.
Programs are designed to provide opportunities for children and youth with special needs to experience ways to socialize and enjoy leisure pursuits in a safe and supported environment.
Participating in recreation and leisure activities builds confidence and capacity, opening doors for participation in mainstream offerings and lifelong commitment to health and wellness.
Remembering Lansdowne Children’s Centre in your will is an example of a planned or legacy gift, a lasting way to ensure that we can provide children and youth of our community with the services and supports they need for years to come.
Planned gifts are made through a bequest, life insurance policy, securities, charitable gift annuities, trust funds and RRSPs.
Please contact our Foundation Office to discuss your Bequest, and meet with your financial planning professional to learn more about the potential tax benefits of legacy gifting.

Lansdowne Children’s Centre Foundation is a transparent organization, committed to our donors and their privacy.
With respect to the Association of Fundraising Professional’s “Donor Bill of Rights”, the Foundation ensures that our members are held accountable by the Centre’s Executive Director and Foundation Board, execute stewardship and embody Lansdowne’s defining characteristics: respect, inclusion, diversity, and empowerment.
Donors are given the utmost respect for their privacy and are properly receipted, in accordance with Canadian Revenue Agency’s regulations.
Our Lansdowne Children’s Centre Foundation is committed to respecting the wishes of our donors. We will respect donor privacy and insure that the donation is applied to the program as stipulated by the donor. e receipt all donations according to CRA regulations. Thank you for all donations supporting our kids. You have made a difference.
The Lansdowne Children's Centre Foundation is governed by a Foundation Board and is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Charitable Registration No: 11881-6883-RR0001
Telling the Lansdowne story to the community is a mandate of our foundation.
It is critical that our community understands the value of our children’s treatment centre.
Our Foundation team is trained in all aspects of giving and is always available
to discuss a donation #FORTHEKIDS at Lansdowne Children's Centre.
We sincerely thank you for visiting our website today and hope that you appreciate the importance of our mission to support infant, children and youth clients of Lansdowne Children's Centre and their families.